About Pooling

The solution: Pooling

Making a reusable planttray work in the industry, requires pooling system built around the tray.

The pooling activities for the reusable Envitray consist of the following components: return transport from the delivery location, cleaning the plant tray, sorting, storage before reuse, IT system for registration and a loss/repair provision the plant tray.

With the poolsystem of the planttray there are three flows:

Physical flow

The load carrier must be brought from A to B and then returned to A in order to be able to deliver again. In this way, a rotation (and a pool) is created in which a smaller number of load carriers can be used, and through rotation the load carriers can be used again.

Information flow

Besides the physical flow there is the flow of information that is connected to this physical movement of planttrays. This needs to be registered with a administrative system in which every user has a real time insight in the quantities of plant trays that they are entitled to.

Through the portal every user can order their Envitrays for the day they need them. When they are registered as collection at the end of the circulation, the Envitrays are collected again. The user will be invoiced based on this data.

Financial flow

A frequent Envitray user (year round production) has the option to choose between a long-term contract in which they are entitled to unlimited use of the Envitray. For short term use (e.g. seasonal), Envitray is invoiced based on a pay per use model, so you are only charged based on a circulation.

For every Envitray used, a deposit is charged, similar to other pooling systems. This deposit is returned as soon as the tray is being collected at the endpoint of the circulation.

“With the experience in pooling we are able to establish a European network for Envitray ”

Philip van Gorcum

Clean. Reusable. Efficient.

From one-way planttrays to reusable planttrays with poolingsystem